What is a Dementia Guide and do I need one?

Sometimes you need a doctor, a therapist or a good librarian. Other times, you’re facing some pretty big unknowns, and what you really need is a guide to help you navigate your way. Memory issues, especially related to dementia are often overlooked or misunderstood in the general population, and even among the medical community. Finding a support provider that specializes in dementia can be a game changer in successfully navigating the course of this difficult disease.

What is a dementia guide?

A Dementia Guide is a professional advisor, trained especially in supporting families and individuals living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment. It’s important to note that Dementia Guides are not medical professionals; rather they help with the everyday aspects of living with dementia.

Dementia Guides can help with:

  • Creating a support plan

  • Identifying a care team

  • Finding respite and living resources

  • Identifying and applying for community or VA benefits

  • Hosting a family meeting

  • Finding solutions to issues or behaviors that arise

  • and many more issues specific to each person or family

How do I know if I need a dementia guide?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from meeting with a Dementia Guide.

  • Are you considering whether your should be tested for memory issues but aren’t sure if it’s normal aging or might be something more?

  • Have you recently been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, or dementia and you’re not sure what to do first?

  • Are you a family member of someone living with memory issues and want to know how to best support them?

  • Is your family worried about how to support your parents through a life with dementia and want help to make a plan?

  • Are you or your loved one living in denial and worried about how to get through?

How do I find a dementia guide?

If you’re on this blog, you’re in the right place! Dementia Down the Hall has Dementia Guides standing by to help you develop a plan, connect with resources and get the answers you need to navigate this journey with dementia. Click here to schedule a Meet & Greet today!

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